Support association


Verein zur Förderung des Erholungsgebietes Höllohe e.V.
Am Dorfweiher 9c
93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof

1. Chairman
Georg Duschinger
Am Dorfweiher 9c
93142 Maxhütte-Haidhof
Tel.: +49 176/81154061


Financial aspects are only one side of the coin - commitment and passion are the other. The friends' association welcomes every new member who supports the park with his or her contribution or volunteer work.

The annual membership fee is 6 Euros for individuals, 10 Euros for families and at least 15 Euros for associations and companies.

The annual fee is due for payment in April of each calendar year or is charged retrospectively with the declaration of membership.
You can download the current membership application here.

Please send the application to our first chairman by post.


Since it was founded, the association has invested over 600.000 Euros in the further expansion and renovation of the park. 100% of all membership fees, donations and the proceeds from festivals and campaigns benefit the Wildlife Park Höllohe. Even a small amount helps us to maintain and improve the park for our animals and visitors. 

Account details:
Sparkasse Teublitz
IBAN: DE59 7505 1040 0760 0926 50

Upon request, you will receive a donation receipt!